Volunteer Positions for Pack 403
Pack 403 Volunteer Positions - 2023-2024 Year
Many roles could be filled by a small team of 2 or 3 if you don’t want to do them alone.
Mentors available for all roles!
Training available for all roles!
Required Positions
Current - Nate Clark
Most Recent Matt Muehe
Conduct pack meetings and serve as the master of ceremonies for pack wide meetings\events
Ensure pack meetings have a planned topic
Committee Chair
Current - Braeden Borkovich
Assistant for 2023-2024 and Chair for 2024-2025 - Gregory Busch
Most Recent Braeden Borkovich
Coordinate\Chair Pack Committee meetings and plan agendas
Ensure other roles are filled
Ensures annual recharter activities are completed
Communicate with the pack on the pack wide calendar and events
Ensure leaders are aware of training requirements and that they complete training before recharter
Den Leader - Lion (Kindergarten)
Current Nick Tran
Most Recent - Gregory Busch
Den Leader - Tiger Den (1st Grade)
Current - Gregory Busch
Most Recent - Phil Flick\Matt Muehe
Den Leader - Wolf Den (2nd Grade)
Current - Matthew McCowan
Most Recent - Jason Archuleta
Den Leader - Bear (3rd Grade)
Current - Jason Archuleta
Most Recent - Ian Nicas
Den Leader - Webelos (4th Grade)
Current - Ian Nicas
Most Recent - Nate Clark
Den Leader - Arrow of Light (5th Grade)
Current - Nate Clark
Most Recent - John Becker
Advancement Chair
Current - Benjamin Speer
Most Recent - Javier Pacheco
Coordinate with the Den Leaders to ensure Advancement is entered in Scoutbook and the purchase the awards for presentation at Pack Meetings
Also purchases awards for pinewood derby
Current - Andy Ward
Assistant for 2023-2024 and Treasurer for 2024-2025 - Jason Archuleta
Maintain bank account for the pack
Maintain accounts for other forms of payment (Paypal, Square, etc)
Receive and process dues and other payments for the pack
Provide regular reports to the committee on the finances of the pack
Reimburse expenses for the pack
Current Open and Must Fill
Most Recent Alex Chandy
Maintain the storage unit that the pack pays for
Ensure keys and payments are kept up with
Ensure someone retrieves items like flags from storage for each pack meeting and for other events
Once a year, inventory the “consumable” items (books, hats, shirts, etc) for the pack and purchase replenishment as needed before the first meeting in the fall.
Fundraising Lead
Current Open and Must Fill
Most Recent None
Coordinate popcorn sales or other fundraising. Work with the rest of the committee to decide what fundraising goals to set for the pack.
Would be best if this role started in the mid-Summer to allow time for planning, purchasing popcorn and reserving places to set up sales booths (ACE, HEB, Kroger, etc) in the Fall
Current Open and Must Fill
Most Recent Andy Ward
Ensure the Pack website stays up to date and working
Ensure the website with events, etc
Once a year event Roles
Consider assigning events to each Den
Special Event Coordinator(s)
Coordinate one or more of the special pack wide special events.
Previous examples have been campouts, overnights at museums, Monster Jam, etc
Beginning of the year publicity
Would be best if this role started in the mid-Summer so that they can be prepared
Reach out to local schools and any other potential areas to recruit new scouts.
Manage and encourage social media posting for the pack including pack Facebook group
Pinewood Derby Coordinator
Coordinate the Pinewood Derby event.
Ensure pinewood derby kits are distributed
Ensure Volunteers are in place for the event
Other volunteers for pieces of the event (food, starters, checkin, master of ceremonies, etc)
Pack Meeting special Activity Coordinate
Coordinate a special Activity for a Pack meeting
Other Roles that would help greatly
It is possible and possibly even a best practice to have assistant Den Leaders fill these roles, but filling them with Den Leaders is not recommended.
Assistant Cubmaster
Act as backup for the Cubmaster. May replace Cubmaster in a future year.
Take minutes at Committee meetings and maintain the records of the pack (filled by the Committee Chair if unfilled)
May also shadow the committee chair and train to take the role in the following year.
Assistant Treasurer
Act as backup for the Treasurer.
May replace Treasurer in a future year.